435 E 300 N LOGAN, UT 84321
- Townhouse or Condo / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 435 E 300 N, LOGAN, UT 84321
- Price/sqft: $238
- Lot Size: 0.17 acres
- Year Built: 01/01/1939
- Property ID: 950399918
- MLS Number: 2004332
- Parcel Number: 06-060-0008
- Property Type: Townhouse or Condo
- County: Cache
- Legal Description: BEG 3 RDS W OF [SE] COR LOT 3 BLK 10 PLAT C LOGAN CITY, N 9 RDS W 3 RDS S 9 RDS E 3 RDS TO BEG SEC 34 T 12N R1E D1459BNOTE: T
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