33 Westgate Ave Bozeman, MT 59718
- Single Family Home / Resale (MLS)

Property Details for 33 Westgate Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718
- Price/sqft: $332
- Lot Size: 0.12 acres
- Total Rooms: 7
- Room List: Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Bedroom 3, Bedroom 4, Bathroom 1, Bathroom 2, Bathroom 3
- Heating: Forced Air Heating
- Year Built: 01/01/2024
- Property ID: 950160561
- MLS Number: 387992
- Property Type: Single Family Home
- County: GALLATIN
- Listing Status: Active
Sale Type
This is an MLS listing, meaning the property is represented by a real estate broker, who has contracted with the home owner to sell the home.
This listing is NOT a foreclosure. SELLER IS OFFERING $14,500 BUILDER INCENTIVE TO BE USED TOWARDS UPGRADES AND/OR CLOSING COSTS AND INTEREST RATE BUY DOWN WITH ACCEPTED OFFER. The 2,183 square foot Whitefish is Norton Ranch Homes largest offering in Phase 5 and is popular with those needing more space of a four-bedroom home. The first-floor foyer is generously sized and leads past one bedroom which could also serve as a home office. The open concept living room and dining rooms are centered around the kitchen with its view of the patio. Upstairs, the primary bedroom has its own private bathroomnwith dual sink vanity and fiberglass stand up shower unit. The two guest bedrooms on the second floor have a dedicated bathroom with a shower/tub. For convenience, the laundry is located on the second floor.
Contact Info for 33 Westgate Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718
This is NOT a Rent To Own listing. It is a traditional Resale (MLS) listing. Ask the agent if the seller can help with financing.
2001 Stadium Drive Suite A
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 556-2221
Website: http://www.Bhhsmt.com
Price Information
FirstAmerican Estimates
Local Info for 33 Westgate Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718
Education 59718
- Not High School Graduates 27.76%
- Some College 25.90%
- Bachelor’s Degree 11.61%
- Graduate Degree 10.08%
- Closest Two-year Public College
UNIV OF MT-HELENA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY (77 miles) - Closest Four-year Public College
Age 59718
- Infants and Children: 483
- Teens: 187
- 20 - 39 yrs old: 688
- 40 - 59 yrs old: 689
- 60 + yrs old: 374
Income 59718
59718 - Bozeman, Montana
- Median Per Capita Income: $44,458
- Median Household Income: $79,160
- Average Household Income: $98,803
- Average Individual Income: $41,545
- Income Change Since 2010: $18.86
- Median Per Capita Income: n/a
- Median Household Income: $58,741
- Average Household Income: $78,436
- Average Individual Income: $33,013
- Income Change Since 2010: $14.89
Crime 59718
59718 - Bozeman, Montana
- Total Crime Risk : 88
- Personal Crime Risk : 48
- Murder Risk : 27
- Rape Risk : 78
- Robbery Risk : 9
- Assault Risk : 66
- Property Crime Risk : 86
- Burglary Risk : 34
- Larceny Risk : 125
- Motor Vehicle Theft Risk : 43
- Total Crime Risk : 89
- Personal Crime Risk : n/a
- Murder Risk : n/a
- Rape Risk : n/a
- Robbery Risk : n/a
- Assault Risk : n/a
- Property Crime Risk : n/a
- Burglary Risk : n/a
- Larceny Risk : n/a
- Motor Vehicle Theft Risk : n/a
Environment 59718
59718 - Bozeman, Montana
- Average Annual Rainfall : 18.41
- Air Pollution Index : 62.00
- Average July Temperature: (°F) 66.40
- Average July High Temperature: (°F) 81.80
- Average January Temperature: (°F) 23.36
- Average January Low Temperature: (°F) 13.31
- Average Annual Rainfall : 15.03
- Air Pollution Index : 73.00
- Average July Temperature: (°F) 67.08
- Average July High Temperature: n/a
- Average January Temperature: (°F) 19.14
- Average January Low Temperature: (°F) 8.04
Demographic 59718
- White: 2,314
- Black: 27
- Indian: 0
- Asian: 24
- Hawaiian: 0
- Other Race: 56
- Hispanic/Latino: 65
- Male: 51.32%
- Female: 48.68%
Neighborhood 59718
59718 - Bozeman, Montana
- Population: 45,073
- Number of Households: 18,937
- Family Households: 10,834
- Average Family Size: 2.98
- Population Density (persons per square mile): 284
- Population Change Since 2010: 65.86%
- Closest Major Airport: Bozeman Yellowstone International (7 miles)
- Closest Major Sports Team: HELENA BREWERS (77 miles)
- Population: 1,113,967
- Number of Households: 461,592
- Family Households: 290,345
- Average Family Size: 3.08
- Population Density (persons per square mile): 8
- Population Change Since 2010: 12.59%
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Property Brokerage:
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Montana Properties
2001 Stadium Drive Suite A
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All information provided is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified.